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excellent Blogging tips using Blackberry

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Do you have a blog? What you also use a blackberry? This time I want to tell about how we 'blogging' using blackberry.
Main things you want to do with a blog: read it and post to it. Say you know of a blog that’s out
there which is of interest to you. Wouldn’t it be great if you could keep up-to-date with new
postings to the blog by reading them on your BlackBerry, wherever or whenever it is conven-
ient? Likewise, if you are either the author of a blog, or an authorized contributor to someone
else’s blog, it would be very convenient if you could use your BlackBerry to write your thoughts
and post them to your blog immediately, rather than waiting until you got back to your desktop
These aren’t just ideas. Using a sample blog that I created on, I can show you how
to set your blog up so that you can read your blog on your BlackBerry. I’ll even show how to
post new articles to your blog, right from your BlackBerry,instantl

Use this application to manage and access your blogs!
Allows access to Wordpress, Blogger, Squarespace, and Posterous all from the same application with a simple GUI to choose upon application launch.

Blogs Launcher

Download here

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Ditulis Oleh : Icut Maniezz ~ Always-Sharing | Blogspot Tutorial | From Zero To Hero

Halo Sobat, Nama Saya Icut Maniezz, Memulai Dunia Blogging Sejak Jan 2012, Meskipun Masih Baru terjun di Dunia Blogging, Saya tidak patah semangat Untuk menjadi Yang terbaik dari yang Terbaik, karena saya yakin, Tidak ada hal yang tidak Mungkin.Buat saya Blogging Is My Life.Senang rasanya jika sobat sudah Berkunjung di blog ini.
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