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Good Android Applications photography

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 This time we will inform some great photography android applications for you to use. 

Include :

- Snap-Action : Applications are recomended for a moving object, so the application can capture the moment in andrographer shaped photos, more detailed experiment yourself ya ga only because it wrote, there are some fashion choices and fashion effect

- Camera 360 Ultimate : Application for a photo recomended for photos, there are available some effect that makes the images more special.

- Picsay : Application to edit photos. Seru essentially can make more beautiful photos with this app.
- Photoshop Express : Almost the same as Picsay application to edit too.
- PhotoID : To edit photos as well
- Vignette : Application for photos, there is provided a nice effect.
- Pudding Camera : Can you take a picture with various effects, can also adjust exposure. Just do not use the English language, is Korean, but the interface is really easy
- Retro Camera : Take pictures with effects too, but can not milih2 effect, but given the 5 types of cameras (effect). Overall a good one
- Picplz : This is not to take pictures, but to upload images.
Just choose the image would be uploaded, continue to be added the effects provided.

get these applications in the android market.

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