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PhotoDial App for blackberry - "favorites and bookmark manager" for your BB Contacts

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If you are like me and have a fairly large list of contacts in your Address Book, quickly finding
the right entry when composing an e-mail or making a phone call can be frustrating, especially
if you remember only a tiny bit of the contact’s information.

For maximum efficiency, start by keeping your Address Book sorted in the same way you are
likely to look for contacts. If you are in sales and generally organize your contacts by company,
sort your Address Book by company. Similarly, if you are more comfortable searching by last
name, set your sort option to use last names.

One of the easiest ways to find a contact quickly is to use the proper search technique. In the
BlackBerry Address Book list, you can quickly jump to the right contact by taking these
simple steps:

    1. Type the first few letters of the first name.
    2. Insert a space.
    3. Type the first few letters of the last name.

This method yields the name you were looking for with a minimum of typing and scrolling
because you avoid having to type the full name or scroll up and down within many entries
that start with the same letter. Note that this technique works regardless of the sort option you
are using.

Use this application for your contact easily


PhotoDial APP is a "favorites and bookmark manager" for your Contacts. With PhotoDial you can group your most frequently used Contacts into categories like Family, Work and Home. And you can Call, Email or SMS them by simply clicking on their photos. 

As always, we have given special attention to the user interface and made it beautiful to eyes and simple to use. Look at Screenshots for more.

PhotoDial APP features : Empower Threaded SMS, Secure Photo, Battery Saver, Call Notes, SMS Counter, Lock Facebook for BlackBerry, Voice Reminder and Lock for BlackBerry Messenger.

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