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Extending Battery Life on Your Blackberry using Battery Saver Pro APP

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The biggest drain on BlackBerry battery life comes from wireless access and the screen display (especially the backlight). The screen generally turns off after inactivity, but persistent use of the backlight can adversely affect the battery. If you know that your device is out of range, you can save battery life by turning off wireless access (go to the Applications screen and scroll to the Wireless On/Off icon) until you are back in a good coverage area.
With Bluetooth-enabled devices, you can save power by turning off Bluetooth if you do not plan to use Bluetooth capabilities.

Use Battery Saver Pro - Battery Saver app for BlackBerry - Enhance your Battery Life.

Battery Saver Pro is all in one app that not only saves the battery of your BlackBerry Device but Optimizes the battery usage on your BlackBerry for Peak Performance.
With several advanced capabilities, you can now manage your device to boost and conserve the battery!

DOWNLOAD Battery Saver Pro APP

Battery Saver Pro APP Features :
  • Auto On Off - Now Schedule your device to turn off and back on when you want at specific time. Multiple off/on schedules are possible and can save a lot of power! You can easily remove the schedule from BlackBerry Menu Button.
  • Brilliant Graph - to monitor the battery behavior for last 24 hours.
  • Monitor Process setting - Notifies you at periodic intervals to warn you in case any app that you choose and is left running in background.
  • Manage Connections - To manage your Mobile/ Wi-Fi/ Bluetooth connections at 1 touch.
  • Display Manager - to Adjust the Brightness level of your device after set Time ranging from 30-255 seconds.
  • Battery Life Estimation - To project how much talk time, stand-by and Music Play time is left for you specifically for your Device model.
  • Battery Alerts - Get alerts (vibrate + tone) if battery levels fall below 5%-50% (fully customizable)
  • Great Graphical depiction of battery Level along with current time, battery temperature etc.

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