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Tips to Overcome Radiation Danger Cell Phones

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Along with the development of increasingly sophisticated technology, the use of CellPhone increased rapidly. In modern society, mobile phones have become a necessity. Though the use of the phone itself turned out to cause enough radiation is harmful to health. Since the phone is a transmitter that converts sound into a continuous sinusoidal wave is then transmitted out through the antenna and fluctuates over the air waves. Wave RF (radio frequency) electromagnetic radiation is the cause.
Known, electromagnetic radiation consists of waves of electric and magnetic energy at the speed of light. All electromagnetic energy falls on the electromagnetic spectrum, which rangenya from ELF radiation (extremly low frequency) to X-rays and gamma rays. When people call, cell phone placed near the head. In this position, the opportunities of mobile phone radiation absorbed by the body very large networks. What is often debated now is how much radiation is dangerous and if there are long-term health effects?

Researchers from institutions of Health stated that the use of cell phone radiation is harmless. However, cell phone radiation, which is classified as RF waves, not dangerous enough. But that does not mean the possibility of side effects do not exist. High levels of RF radiation can damage body tissues. RF radiation has the ability to heat body tissue such as a microwave oven heats food. And radiation can damage body tissue, because our bodies are not equipped to anticipate overheating due to RF radiation. Other studies have shown non-ionizing radiation (including RF waves) cause long-term effects.

Radiation handphone also potentially cause cancer, brain tumors, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, fatigue (too tired), and headache. Although the results of research conducted by experts, some being menyabutkan, that mobile phone radiation can cause cancer and abnormalities. However, some have claimed that mobile phone radiation is not related to cancer. Regardless of what is right or wrong of course we should need to be alert and anticipate.

As a solution to avoid the risk of the effects of radiation, it helps mobile phone users to pay attention to several things:
  • Using a hand-free headset.
  • Using a cell phone, the antenna cultivated as far as possible from the body.
  • Keep the antenna during use.
  • Reduce the call using the phone in the building.
  • Using the phone outdoors as often as possible.
  • Reduce the use for children.

By knowing the risks of cell phone radiation effects and Tips to Overcome Radiation Hazard phone, then we should not underestimate the risks of cell phone radiation because the consequences could be fatal to our organs. Wherever possible, we can keep the phone from you when you are not wearing them.

Do not be too often put the phone close to the kidneys, heart, and in your pocket as this may damage the kidneys, heart, and your reproductive system! Also, do not put the phone near you while sleeping. Keep also other electronic items (televisions, laptops, radio) from where you sleep due to radiation from electronic items can be harmful to your health in the long run. Existing radiation interfere with hormone production process by our bodies when we sleep.

After learning so much danger for your body and Tips to Overcome Radiation Hazard phone, then from now on you should be able to control themselves when using the phone. It is very important that you do for the health of your body. Because health is very expensive from a mobile phone with multimedia features and unrivaled presented.

I hope the above tips useful, thanks :)

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ada 3 comments ke “Tips to Overcome Radiation Danger Cell Phones”
Anonymous said...
pada hari 

These tips to much helpful for party hope I am post for my friend. The new smart meters that our electrical utility company installed on my house sends out powerful "WiFi" signals in bursts. I am concerned about the long-term health effects of these microwaves and so I decided to make a shield to stop them. Now, as you may know, the whole reason they installed it (in the short -term, anyway) is to be able to read my monthly use remotely so they could lay off an army of meter-readers. I have an issue with that too, but I have no shield for their jobs. Blocking the transmissions of data will force them to come out to read it manually anyway. Too bad: Nobody asked ME if they could put a powerful transmitter on my house, so they will have to deal.

cell phone brain cancer

Unknown said...
pada hari 

Hey I my friends I tell you something can you give me answer. Radiation handphone also potentially cause cancer, brain tumors, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, fatigue (too tired), and headache. Although the results of research conducted by experts, some being menyabutkan, that mobile phone radiation can cause cancer and abnormalities. However, some have claimed that mobile phone radiation is not related to cancer. Regardless of what is right or wrong of course we should need to be alert and anticipate.
Cell phone shield

Anonymous said...
pada hari 

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