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Accessing Android Hardware using Android System Info (ASI) APP

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Android System Info APP for Android  provides a lot of technical infos(Hardware, System, Telephony),Task Manager, App manager, logs viewer, battery stats and more.
Android System Info (ASI) APP provide low-level access to the increasingly diverse hardware
commonly available on mobile devices. The ability to monitor and control these hardware features
provides a great incentive for application development on the Android platform.
The hardware available include:
  • Communications libraries for managing Bluetooth, network, and Wi-Fi hardware.
  • A telephony package that provides access to calls and phone status.
  • A multimedia playback and recording library.
  • Access to the device camera for taking pictures and previewing video.
  • Extensible support for sensor hardware.

In Android System Info (ASI) APP, you’ll take a closer look at some of these hardware particular. You’ll also learn how to monitor hardware sensors using the Sensor Manager. The accelerometer sensors will be used to determine changes in the device orientation and acceleration - which is extremely useful for creating motion-based User Interfaces - and lets you
add new dimensions to your location-based applications.
Finally, you’ll take a closer look at the communication hardware by examining the telephony
package for monitoring phone state and phone calls, as well as seeing what’s available in the
Bluetooth, networking, and Wi-Fi ASI.

Use Android System Info (ASI) APP to monitor and control these hardware features.

New Version 1.18.2

Some people are suspicious about permissions used in apps. As Android System Info APP use a lot of them, here are some explanations :
  • android.permission.READ PHONE STATE - Used to read telephony informations for the System tab.
  • android.permission.ACCESS COARSE LOCATION - Used by admob.
  • android.permission.INTERNET - Used for admob (to get ads) and also for flurry which gives me some infos for bugs tracking. A request can also be made to my server to check if a new version is available.
  •  android.permission.READ LOGS - Used to read logs for the Logs tab.
  • android.permission.GET PACKAGE SIZE - Used to know applications informations, for Application Manager tab.
  • android.permission.ACCESS NETWORK STATE - Used, in the System tab, to access betwork informations.
  • android.permission.RESTART PACKAGES - Used by the task killer feature.
  • android.permission.WRITE EXTERNAL STORAGE - Used to write logs to the sdcard.
  • android.permission.CAMERA - Used to read camera informations. On some devices(like the motorola droid), accessing to camera info will make some sound.
  • android.permission.ACCESS WIFI STATE - Used to read wifi informations.

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