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Saving Android Apps Data Using "App2SD" APP for Android

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There are two lightweight techniques for saving simple application data for Android applications. Shared Preferences and a pair of event handlers used for saving Activity instance details. Both mechanisms use a name/value pair (NVP) mechanism to store simple primitive values.

Using SharedPreferences, you can create named maps of key/value pairs within your application
that can be shared between application components running in the same Context.
Shared Preferences support the primitive types Boolean, string, float, long, and integer, making them
an ideal way to quickly store default values, class instance variables, the current UI state, and user
preferences. They are most commonly used to persist data across user sessions and to share settings
between application components.

Alternatively, Activities offer the on Save Instance State handler. It’s designed specifi cally to persist
the UI state when the Activity becomes eligible for termination by a resource-hungry run time.

The handler works like the Shared Preference mechanism. It offers a Bundle parameter that represents a key/value map of primitive types that can be used to save the Activity’s instance values.

This Bundle is then made available as a parameter passed in to the onCreate and onRestoreInstanceState method handlers.

This UI state Bundle is used to record the values needed for an Activity to provide an identical UI following unexpected restarts.

Use App2SD - helps to save the internal storage of phone.


App2SD - Save phone storage APP Features :
  • App to sd - Move app to SD card if it could be moved.
  • Move apps back to phone internal storage from SD card.
  • List all installed apps.
  • Clear Apps Cache.
  • Show total internal storage and available internal storage.
  • Show total storage of SD card and available storage.
  • Uninstall app.
  • Support Android 2.2/2.3.
  • Sort app by name, install date, app size.
  • Open/Switch to app.
  • Search app in google market.
  • Notification when there is new app installed which can be moved to SD card.
  • Warning on not recommended moving.
Note : App2SD cannot be used to backup apps or data to SD card, after factory reset, all apps will be erased!

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