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The development of android

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Versions that have been launched by the android:
1.    Android version 1.1 
       Use interface in version 1.1 that have been better and there are some applications:
  •  Management messages
  •  Alarm
  •  Voice search
  •  Sending a message to gmail
  •  And e-mail notification

2.Android version 1.5 (Cupcake)
      This is an android version of the development of version 1.1 so it has a prettier interface and the addition of animation effects. Android version 1.5 is able to record and play video, and can upload photos to Picasa and videos to youtube. in this version is equipped with a soft keypadwith autocomplete features and supports the A2DP bluetooth. in addition, there are also new widgets that follow the pattern on the desktop, and has additional facilities, ie copy and paste on the internet-based webpage.

3.   Android version 1.6 (Donut)
     Android has many newbreakthroughs disistem network and connectivity, such as the addition of cameras, video cameras, and photo gallery, and even there are also additional multi selection function for photos in the gallery feature. Android version 1.6 provides improved features on the development of voice search and voice dial. in addition, there are also developing a search feature for bookmarks, contacts, andweb pages plusthe search speed. terms of any network, there is increased and supports the display with WVGA resolution, and there is Android application services market.

4.   Android version 2.0/2.1 (Eclaire)   
      The further development of the donut. Android Eclaire undergone many changes in terms of optimization in terms of hardware and software. The following are the changes contained in the Android Eclaire, namely:
  • Use of the new browser and supports HTML5
  • The application of Google Maps 3.1.2.
  • Microsoft Exchange facilities there.
  • The kamer with flash and digital zoom
  • MotionEvent of multitouch development for event tracking.
  • The virtual keyboard vasilitas
  • Bluetooth version 2.1 of the application
  • Optimized hardware speed
  • Ratio B / W at a higher background and supports high-resolution image 

5.   Android version 2.2 (Froyo)
      Froyo Android Android is an improvement made ​​from the previous generation (Eclaire). The following improvements are happening in Android version 2.2 (Froyo), namely:
  • faster hardware performance.
  • can install applications to external memory.
  • the support of Adobe flash 10.
  • facility can be used as a wifi hotspot.
  • the automatic upgrade function in the Android Market.

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