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How to Install Applications other than 'Google Play' to Android phone

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'Google Play' (Market Android) offers hundreds of thousands of applications and games that are interesting, where most are offered free. But there are times when you want to try to start a new application, which unfortunately does not exist in the 'Google Play'. By default, Android phones are designed to reject applications that are not listed in the 'Google Play'. This is to prevent users from installing applications that may later be detrimental to the user.
The fact that the application is already in the 'Google Play' malware can still be compromised. But if you are sure that the application is useful, and of course the risk is borne by yourself, you could try using this simple trick to add non ori application to the Android phone is being used. Some applications of non 'Google Play' you can find in the apps code, such as in

1. To disable blocking the application, go to the Settings, select Applications.

2. then immediately check the 'Unknown sources' (Allow installation on non-Market Applications).

3. Android will warn you if you really want to use non-Market applications. If you believe with this, select OK.

   I hope the above tips useful.

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