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Download AndroSensor APP to know virtually everything about your Android device's status

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AndroSensor APP  to get a reference to the Sensor Service. AndroSensor is the absolute all-in-one diagnostic tool that lets you know virtually everything about your device's status.

The following sections look closely at how to use the AndroSensor APP to monitor orientation and acceleration :

AndroSensor supports all the sensors an android device can have and it will tell you which of them are not supported by your hardware.

View in a single screen the data from all device's sensors in real time. Graphical and text output available for each sensor (graphical output not available for proximity, location and battery info)
location, location provider, accuracy, altitude and speed, Google maps to show the above info. Tapping on your location shows your address, postal code and location accuracy (if available), accelerometer readings, gyroscope readings, light sensor value, ambient magnetic field values, device orientation, proximity sensor readings, pressure sensor (barometer), temperature readings,battery status, voltage, temperature and health, sound level meter (decibel), If your device supports it, next to the sensor's name, you will see how much power the sensor consumes per hour in mA.

Use Andro Sensor APP to know virtually everything about your device's status.


Andro Sensor APP features :

  • Press MENU to toggle settings, determine which sensors you wish to monitor, see device info, system log file or the list of sensors that are unavailable for your device.
  • Device info gathers as much as it can and prints it out in a simple and easy-to-read view. Mobile signal strength, wifi info, CPU architecture, available and total RAM, internal and external memory, display metrics, OpenGLES version and kernel version are a small part of the information displayed. Clicking on a line copies it's content to clipboard. A multitouch test is also available, so you can see how many simultaneous touch events your screen supports.
  • AndroSensor's "Device Log viewer" is available as a patch in the market (search for "AndroSensor Log").
  • Graphs: You may choose how you want values to be displayed, via real-time charts or the good-old text layout. You may switch between graph and text output for each sensor by tapping on the sensor image on the left side. Images that can be tapped are distincted by an orange line on the left edge of the icon. Graphs are not available for Location, Proximity and Battery info.
  • Apps2SD, tablets and ICS supported.

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