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protect the data on your blackberry while transfer via bluetooth

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you frequently use your bluetooth on the blackberry for data transfer music, video, documents or anything else?
Althoug perhaps unlikely, for other Bluetooth devices to connect to your BlackBerry. Once connected, that device can retrieve some of your stored information, including your contacts, e-mail messages, or calendar items.
If you are particularly paranoid - or even if you simply do not have any use for Bluetooth - you can easily turn off the Discoverable feature of your BlackBerry’s Bluetooth radio :

        1. Go to the Options application and scroll to the Bluetooth option.
        2. Click the trackwheel to display the menu and choose the Options menu item. You will
            see two fields: a Device Name (used to identify your BlackBerry to other Bluetooth
            devices) and a Discoverable setting (when turned on, enables your BlackBerry to be dis-
            covered by other Bluetooth devices).
        3. Turn off the Discoverable setting by selecting it and changing the option to No.

Use this application to protect

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 Bestselling lock app! Password protect specific applications and files on your BlackBerry without locking the entire device! Prevent unauthorized reading of private Emails and viewing of files, pictures and videos.

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