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upgrade Operating system officially Blackberry complete with ropes

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Operating system upgrades Officially all types of blackberry with the way complete. Here I will share tips about Blackberry OS upgrade. Here below are the steps :

-Backup your BlackBerry Data.
Always backup your BlackBerry data is routine, especially before you do the upgrade. Let me back you can restore all your data in case of an error on your device.
Backup data blackberry anda dengan Blackberry Dekstop Manager. (download Blackberry Dekstop Manager)

-Download the OS from the website or category Blackberry Firmware Blackberry Firmware OS BerryIndo to your PC. Once downloaded, click Install OS to a PC to be upgraded to a PC and Restart your PC.

-Delete vendor.xml in C drive -> program files -> common files -> research in motion -> app.loader.

-Wipe handheld (optional only for the already troubled hanheld) in Blackberry by option -> security options -> general settings -> press the BB menu button -> wipe handheld. Wait until the process is complete wipe. or can also use JLcommander.

-Run app loader and choose what you want to input into your blackbery. wait until the process is complete.

-Wait until the flame completely and booting up with the home screen. Do not unplug the data cable or play.
Once the OS has been updated, you must re-setting, time, emails account settings, wifi, network connection, etc..

Hopefully the above tips useful for all. I am happy to share with everyone.

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