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Update Facebook Blackberry V

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Facebook for BlackBerry users who still use the old version and want to update to new version, please update to BB Facebook V
This maintenance release includes general improvements to the infrastructure of Facebook application for BlackBerry smartphones.

the latest features on BB Facebook V :
  • You can create and review the Facebook chat and messages directly from your BlackBerry message list.
  • Get messages and updates as they arrive, to see recent pictures of your friends' profiles when they call or email, accept friend requests and event invites, and then view them on your BlackBerry calendar.
  • Use Facebook Places to find out where your friends have checked in, and let them know where you are.
  • Chatting with Facebook on the go, you can connect with your Facebook friends right away - when and where you want.
Download Facebook V from Blackberry AppWorld. 

Note: Facebook 2.0 for BlackBerry Device Software 5.0 or higher.
happy to share information to you all.

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