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how to easily register your blackberry

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How to Register for Blackberry:
1. insert the card.
2. activate the Blackberry Internet Service (BIS).
3. HRT register it (options - advanced options - host routing table - select that first - click on the BB - register - out - wait for notification on BB).
4. create email account settings (email setup - press button b - create user - create a username and password)
5. add his emails - after clicking the button add further email mm - service book - send service books - out of the email - no notification sent.
6. use PC to open - enter username n password you created at setup email on BB earlier.
7. Select the device change - Automatic PIN already written, so stay its course fill IMEI - click save - new windows do not come out at the click OK - in BB will be no notification to request validate email
8. Back to navigation BB - email setup - sign in - validate your emails - outgoing email setup - there will be another notification is sent.
9. Back to PC click ok in windows - get email settings - see your emails listed there already checked or still red, if already checked, then you live "log out". If it is still red sing first and then try logging in again n again see the emails you've checked or not.

Note :
- For those who want to switch carriers before step 1, first delete the old email provider.
- For those who want to change the handheld without changing operator, just change the PIN + IMEI device to change the menu (
- If you do not want anymore can also register, just follow steps 1-3
- "In Tuts" worn out if the text below in your service "" when going to register:

Can not create account:

This BlackBerry (R) device is not registered with your wireless service provider.
Please register this device and verify that the URL of the current web site matches
the one provided by your wireless service provider.

To register:
1. In the Application list on your device, click Options, or click Settings Options.
2. Click Advanced Options> Host Routing Table.
3. Click the Menu key and click Register Now.
If the error persists, contact your wireless service provider.?

Please try.

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