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optimize the 'Broadcast Message' In BlackBerry Messenger

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Broadcast Message is one of the features on BlackBerry Messenger is useful to provide information to all or part of the existing contacts on the BlackBerry Messenger us.

BlackBerry users often abuse the Broadcast Message on BlackBerry Messenger to send hoax, hoax makes no sense, the contact test is done every day or utterance is excessive and that often times I have received. I do not understand why people are so diligent in sending 'Broadcast Message' like that and I was very lazy to submit 'Broadcast Message like that. Broadcast Message can actually be used more beneficial than the use to send something that is not useful, for example, which sends the information of accidents, traffic congestion, kidnapping, raising funds for disaster relief or other news. In addition to the Broadcast Message can also be used to offer a business opportunity or product you sell, there certainly is more useful is it? Than you used to send unnecessary messages to all contacts in BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) and you will only invite the wrath of friends on your BBM contacts.

So, be a smart BlackBerry users in the use of all existing facilities on the BlackBerry. Send information that may be useful to contact your friends and be a healthy BlackBerry users.

I hope the above article about the broadcast message is useful for everyone.

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