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Is it possible to install Android applications and games on the Blackberry?

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No doubt, today's mobile operating system Android is the largest in the world, no wonder that so many games and Android applications available in Android Market. The question now is can we install games and Android applications on the Blackberry? Let's install Android apps on Blackberry Dakota 9900, Blackberry Torch 2 or Blackberry Curve 3G? the answer is of course not. As we know, games or applications with extension APK Android Blackberry while the application for extension Jar, Jad, or Alx Cod.

But, for those users the Blackberry Playbook tablet from RIM, should be proud because the Blackberry Playbook, especially the air-OS 2.0 you can install Android applications and games. As we know in the Playbook Blackberry OS 2.0 is equipped with the Android App Player, so you can easily install games and applications on the BB Playbook Androd.

However, despite the Player on Android App Playbook, we can not directly install APK file in the Playbook. You know why? So how do I install APK on Blackberry Playbook? Before it can be installed on the Blackberry Playbook APK file must first convert it into a. Bar which is an extension for games and applications Blackberry Playbook.

There are various ways to the APK to Convert BAR, could use HaTax technique, using a program like BBHTool or Packager for Android Blackberry program is officially released by RIM. Once the file. Apk on the convert to. Bar then we can simply install the application or game to the Blackberry Playbook / sideload to use tools like DDPB Installer.

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