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Cartoon Camera Pro for Android

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Cartoon Camera Pro

Cartoon Camera Pro for Android

Cartoon Camera Pro one of the coolest Android camera apps ever created!
Create sketchy cartoon like photography with your camera.
This is the ad-free version. There is a fully featured free version with advertisements also available for you to try.

Cartoon Camera Pro Features:
- Real-time cartoon effect
- 6 effects: Cartoon, Color Drawing, Sepia, White Strokes, Dark Strokes and Colored Edges
- Adjustable edge strength (slider on the right side of the screen)
- Adjustable color sensitivity / saturation (slider on the left side of the screen)
- Save images quickly by a single touch of a button
- Supports auto focus (tap anywhere on the screen)
- Supports camera flash
- Supports front camera (requires Android 2.3+)
- App can be installed to SD
- Saved images are stored to external storage under CartoonCamera folder

Cartoon Camera Pro, This application has been tested on the following devices:
- Samsung Galaxy S2
- Samsung Galaxy Mini
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1
- Motorola Defy
Cartoon Camera - Use Your Phone Camera to Paint Your Life
Nice trivia: The app icon and in-app buttons were first drawn with colored pens on paper and then photographed with the Cartoon Camera app itself and then put into the app.


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