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How to remove a Superuser on Android

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unroot much trouble, but it's definitely an application called superuser would exist even after unrrot then we reset to factory again - again, superuser will still remain.
it in because the superuser app that came with the application process will be rooting system, so can not remove.

Powerful way to remove the superuser app, I'll try to explain step - by step:

1.should phones are still in a state of rooting (if already in unroot
diroot again wrote) can let the application run it root explorer

2.Open Xplorer application root and open system / app, now make sure you have
click on mount r / w that is read / write (This option will only come
after we are rooting the phone) after clicking on the mount r / w, access r / w will
activated and r / o will be disabled as shown in Figure
then locate the file named superuser.apk, then delete then click again superuser.apk r / w to be r / o

3.unroot return superuser gan see what was there, if still would not want to factory reset.

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