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AutoCAD WS for Android

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AutoCAD WS for Android

Experience the freedom of taking your designs with you — wherever you go. View, edit, and share your DWG™ files with anyone, anywhere. AutoCAD WS mobile app enables you to work with AutoCAD® drawings directly on your Android smartphone or tablet.
Accurately annotate and revise drawings while you are on location in the field, in meetings, or out of the office. Work with local versions of your designs when you don’t have an Internet connection, and easily open DWG, DWF, and DXF™ files you receive as email attachments directly on your device.
Experience the freedom of taking your designs with you—wherever you go.
AutoCAD WS Android App
• Open 2D and 3D DWG drawings uploaded to your free* AutoCAD WS online workspace
• Work offline, saving a local version to your device for times when you don’t have an online connection
• Upload files sent as an email attachment directly to your AutoCAD WS account
• See all aspects of your DWG file, including external references, layers, and image underlays
• Use Multi-Touch zoom and pan to more easily navigate very large drawings
• Orient yourself within a drawing using GPS

AutoCAD WS Android App?
• Tap objects to select, then move, rotate, and scale
• Draw or edit shapes with accuracy using Snap and Ortho modes
• Add and edit text annotations directly on your device; no need for paper mark-ups
• Validate distance measurements in the drawing while you are onsite at the actual location
• Save your edits to your AutoCAD WS online workspace, so your drawings stay up to date
AutoCAD WS Android App?Share
• Share designs with others directly from your device
• Work with other people on the same DWG file simultaneously
• View edits to drawings in real time: AutoCAD WS immediately captures changes made by you and others in your online workspace
• Print remotely within the app using HP’s ePrint & Share service
• Plot your designs to PDF or DWF and share them via email


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