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the best theme APPs for android

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Bored with the Android Theme You Have? This Application You Need!!!
Android theme is available in the `google` play is very unique and interesting. and a large selection of themes that you can use on your android.
To facilitate the search for and download your Android themes, I will share the application of the best themes APP for android.
The following are the best applications for the android theme, that you can use :

  • GO Keyboard Green Neon Theme APP


Getting this COOL theme to make your GO Keyboard more lovely and colorful.
To apply the theme within GO Keyboard Pro,download it from GOKeyboardsettings->Display settings->Select Theme. After downloaded, it will displayed in "Theme" Tab, click and apply it.
To rate the theme:settings->Display settings->Select-> Theme Rate GO Keyboard theme gokeyboardtheme

  • Ice Cream Sandwich (theme) APP


This is a launcher theme (for ADWEX, ADW.Launcher, LP, GO & more!) and will not alter the look of your status bar, notifications, widgets or anything else. It WILL change the graphics and icons for many popular launcher replacements.
Ice Cream Sandwich (theme) APP features : New graphics for dock bar (ADW & Go), Themed search widget, Ice Cream Sandwich system icons, Wallpaper pack included, ADW Theme support, Launcher Pro theme support (limited to icons), Go Launcher EX theme support, Support for Desktop Visualizer, Support for Folder Organizer.

  • AndroidPhone7 (ADW Theme) APP


Designed for minimalist style homescreens and featured on, so try it out!
AndroidPhone7 APP Features : New graphics for dock bar, Metro-style icons, Wallpaper gallery included, ADW theme support (ADW.Launcher and ADW EX), Support for Desktop Visualizer, Support for Folder Organizer.

  • Windows 7 GO Launcher EX Theme APP


Windows 7 to be used with GO Launcher EX Theme
Windows 7 GO Launcher Ex theme for phone devices. Tablet version also available in my other apps.

  • GalaxyS GO Launcher EX Themes APP


GalaxyS GO Launcher EX Themes APP features :About 60+ fantastic icons, covers the main apps of the phone such as dial,SMS,email,facebook,twitter and so on - Neon wallpaper of the topic - Neon new folder interface experience - Neon special app drawer skin - Neon new menu icons interface.

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