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Managing Your WiFi using WiFi Manager APP for Android

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The Wifi Manager APP for Android represents the Android WiFi Connectivity Service. It can be used to configure Wi-Fi network connections, manage the current WiFi connection, scan for access points, and monitor changes in WiFi connectivity.  As with the Connectivity Manager, access the WiFi Manager using the getSystemService method, passing in the Context.WIFI_SERVICE constant.

To use the WiFi Manager, your application must have uses-permissions for Read/Write WiFi state. the WifiManager also provides low-level access to the Wi-Fi network configurations, giving you full control over each configuration setting and allowing you to completely replace the native Wi-Fi management application. Later in the section, you’ll be introduced to the API used to create, delete, and modify network configurations.

Find, connect, manage WiFi networks. Improve connection quality with a graphical channel radar. Discover open networks around you. An easy way to manage Wifi connections. Includes beautiful widgets.

Use WiFi Manager APP to Managing Your WiFi,


New features and improved WiFi Manager APP Version 2.1.8 :
  • Assign your own descriptions and icons to individual WiFi networks - never forget what that "XYZ1234" network is.
  • Better graphics, including a dark color theme.
  • Automatic switching between fixed and dynamic (DHCP) IP addresses (Android Settings in 2.x can't do this).
  • Switch among your favorite networks with a single tap by using the WiFi Network Switcher widget. It will even enable WiFi if needed.

  • Still there - support for tablets in landscape mode.

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