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SoulCraft 0.7.0 APK

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SoulCraft 0.7.0

SoulCraft 0.7.0 APK 

Requires Android: 2.2 o later

With humans on the brink to discover the secret of eternal life, angels and demons make a pact to proclaim the apocalypse to be able to materialize into the real world, fight the humans and keep the circle of life intact. SoulCraft APK lets you play as an angel, demon or human – it is up to you who will win this fight.

SoulCraft is a free2play Action RPG being developed by the small indie game studio MobileBits. We are currently in open beta and hope you will take this chance to shape the game with us together. We will constantly add lots of stuff (locations, character, spells, items and more) and we will use your feedback to decide what to do next.

  • Free2play Action RPG for Android (more Android devices and iOS, WP7 & PC coming soon)
  • Play in real locations such as Venice, Rome & Hamburg, New York & Cambodia. More locations coming soon!
  • Play as an Angel now with more races including Demon and Human coming soon
  • Five different game modes including time run, arena, hellgate, crystal defense and boss fights
  • Lots of different and diversified enemies, weapons and spells

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