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Recycle bin APP for blackberry - the Best APP to Restore your Contacts, Memos, Calendar, Tasks, and Mails after deletion

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To restore your BlackBerry data from a previous backup session :
  • Connect your BlackBerry to your desktop PC using the supplied USB cable or cradle.
  • Run Desktop Manager and double-click Backup and Restore. This brings up the Backup and Restore screen.
  • Click the Restore button.
  • Navigate to the location where your backup .ipd file is stored, select the file, and click Open.
  • At the prompt, click Yes to restore all of your original BlackBerry data from the specified backup file.

As with the backup function, you can choose to perform a selective restore on one or more specific databases, rather than choosing to restore all of your BlackBerry data. This option is useful if one of your application databases has been damaged or deleted or if you are moving to a different BlackBerry handheld and you want to move only certain data over from your old handheld.
  • Connect your BlackBerry to your desktop PC using the supplied USB cable or cradle.
  • Run the BlackBerry Desktop Manager application on your PC, and double-click the Backup and Restore icon from the main screen. This brings up the Backup and Restore screen.
  • Click the Advanced button.
  • Choose the file to restore from by clicking File Open.
  • Navigate to the .ipd file you want to use and then click Open to select the databases you wish to restore from the Desktop File Databases section.

You can perform a selective restore from either a full backup or a selective backup.

Not only on pc computer or laptop, your blackberry is also available on application to restore data that has been deleted. Applications 'Recycle bin' is also named.
Recycle bin APP on the blackberry is used only to Restore your Contacts, Memos, Calendar, Tasks, and Mails after deletion.

The recycle Bin stores all your deleted E-mails, Contacts, Tasks, Memo and Events in separate tabs. You can easily find your deleted items and then restore them back.

Use Recycle bin APP to Restore your Contacts, Memos, Calendar, Tasks and Mails. 

Recycle bin APP features :
  • Stores your deleted items safe
  • Items included in Recycle Bin are: E-mails, Contacts, Tasks, Memo and Events

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