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Control Windows PC or Mac from BlackBerry PlayBook using MyRDC / My Remote Desktop Connection APP

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Remote Desktop installs a special server, In my experience, Remote Desktop for is a superior solution for BlackBerry remote desktop access for a couple of reasons:
It does not use Terminal Services, so the remote desktop can remain logged in and in use while your remote control session goes on. I found Remote Desktop for Blackberry to offer much faster screen redraws and overall.

Aside from the faster performance I observed, I also noted that Software makes available an online service called "My Remote Desktop Connection" Online which helps to resolve the issue of connecting to a computer that does not have a reliable IP address. As mentioned earlier, home computers with dynamic IP addressing and computers behind a network router both can create challenges in counting on a reliable IP address. The "My Remote Desktop Connection" Online service is described as a sort of a proxy on the Internet for Remote Desktop in that the BlackBerry client does not need to communicate directly with the target computer. Instead, the connection goes through a proxy server at "My Remote Desktop Connection" Online that makes sure that the connection is made properly.

Use My Remote Desktop Connection APP for your Blackberry


Supported operation systems :
-Windows XP/Vista and Windows 7
-Mac OSX 10.6 and later

  • One-click server setup and easy to use
  • Pinch to zoom the screen of remote computer
  • Simulate mouse click, double click, right click and mouse wheel scrolling
  • Native soft keyboard support
  • Able to swipe up/down to control scrollbar

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