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Reading a Blog from Your BlackBerry Playbook using OSBB APP

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Most blogging tools offer blog authors a way to publish the contents of a blog as a specially formatted XML file. Depending on the blog authoring tool you are using, this format can be one of several different variations of commonly accepted syndication formats. For example,, which I will be using in this discussion, offers me the ability to automatically publish my blog as an Atom feed. Atom is, in fact, very similar to RSS, which was covered earlier in this chapter, in that it is a commonly understood format for describing a series of articles published from a given website. The next time you visit someone else’s blog home page, look for the familiar orange button labeled RSS, XML, or Atom, which indicates to you that the blog author has enabled his or her blog to be published via one of these formats.
If you were following the earlier section on RSS, you might now be wondering whether one of the RSS client programs out there for BlackBerry can subscribe to an Atom feed.

Use OSBB APP for Blackberry to reading a blog very easily

The PlayBook version of the OSBB app is brand new and makes reading content from a joy.

New Version OSBB APP features :
  • Ability to search OSBB posts
  • Ability to vierw comments on blog posts
  • Embedded contact form
  • Category filtering for blog posts
  • Performance improvements
  • Pull-down to refresh for blog posts, Etc.

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Ditulis Oleh : Icut Maniezz ~ Always-Sharing | Blogspot Tutorial | From Zero To Hero

Halo Sobat, Nama Saya Icut Maniezz, Memulai Dunia Blogging Sejak Jan 2012, Meskipun Masih Baru terjun di Dunia Blogging, Saya tidak patah semangat Untuk menjadi Yang terbaik dari yang Terbaik, karena saya yakin, Tidak ada hal yang tidak Mungkin.Buat saya Blogging Is My Life.Senang rasanya jika sobat sudah Berkunjung di blog ini.
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