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Solutions for BlackBerry Battery heat and wasteful

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If you are experiencing your BlackBerry battery hot and extravagant love, I hope some of the tips below you can make a solution for those of you who are experiencing hot BlackBerry battery and wasteful.

Things that make your BlackBerry battery life and heat are often wasteful, namely:
  • Weak Signal Network
Be aware, BlackBerry devices you will always find a signal, if you are weak BIS network in your area. BlackBerry device when you do a search for continuous signals then use your BlackBerry battery will heat faster and more extravagant.

Solution for your BlackBerry device to overcome the low signal and make your BlackBerry battery and wasteful heat as follows :

Use a 2G network when 3G networks in the area where you live is weak. To change their 3G to 2G network, Open the Option menu -> Mobile Network and change the Network Selection Mode to Manual and change the Network Mode to 2G. I recommend using BIS operator who has a strong signal network in the area where you live.
  • Applications Running in the Background
Even more cause your BlackBerry battery is wasteful of heat and the many applications that you let your BlackBerry running BlackBerry applications, especially in the background are always looking for updates. Applications are always looking for updates such as Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and other BlackBerry applications that often provide notification.

Application is running normally be the main cause of your BlackBerry battery is often hot and wasteful. Make it a habit if you want to exit or close an application do not press the power button because the application will continue running in the background, press the escape key or select the option to use exit / close.

I suggest, if applications such as Facebook, Twitter or the like, if you do not use it for a long time alone and use the Log setting to receive notifications via email, so that when you logout you will be able to monitor the application via e-mail notification.
 happy to share information to you all.

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    Unknown said...
    pada hari 

    There are lot of Blackberry Battery saving tips you can turn the screen stay on till 20 to 30 sec ,there is no need to keep screen stay on till 1 or 2 min after using device, you can get more tips online.

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