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Camera360 Ultimate v3.0.2 for Android

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Camera360 Ultimate v3.0.2

Camera360 Ultimate v3.0.2 for Android

No limit, no ads, all free.
The most famous and perfect camera app helps your photo more amazing, funny and interesting.

* Effect like LOMO, Retro Effect, Dreamlike Effect, Art of Black and White, Back to 1839 and Night Enhancement will make your photo more beautiful.
* The amazing HDR effect is even better than iPhone HDR.
* Unique Funny Mode: Effects like Surrealistic B&W Paining, Vertical/Horizontal Left Symmetry, Vertical/ Horizontal Right Symmetry, Ghost are available.
* Unique Scenery Mode: It takes the interesting composite photos, you can choose whether be in a movie poster, an art painting, a outdoor advertisement, or among the various types of greeting cards.
* Unique Tilt-shift and Color-shift Mode allows you to see the world from another angle.
* Share your photo to Sina Microblog, Facebook or Twitter

v3.0.1 change log:
1.Fix bug that camera crashes when select Scenes especially on Sony Ericsson X8.
2.Fix bug that camera crashes when back from advanced Settings for phones running on Android 4.0.
3.Fix bug that auto-focus can’t be closed on some phone especially on z71.


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Halo Sobat, Nama Saya Icut Maniezz, Memulai Dunia Blogging Sejak Jan 2012, Meskipun Masih Baru terjun di Dunia Blogging, Saya tidak patah semangat Untuk menjadi Yang terbaik dari yang Terbaik, karena saya yakin, Tidak ada hal yang tidak Mungkin.Buat saya Blogging Is My Life.Senang rasanya jika sobat sudah Berkunjung di blog ini.
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