Most of us who use the BlackBerry as a communications tool, it can only use but do not quite understand how to manage BlackBerry internal memory, so that gradually we will feel LATE BlackBerry.
Which became one of the weaknesses of the BB is that we can not install applications on the Media Card. Therefore, we must manage our BlackBerry internal memory properly, so that BlackBerry does not become slow.
Here are some tips on how to manage your BlackBerry memory so as not to slow again :
1. Remove (delete) all messages that are not important, be it email or sms / mms. Email with large attachments that try to read only through the PC,
2. Remove (delete) phone call logs.
open "messages", click menu, click the folder view, click the phone call log, click menu, click delete prior,
3. Close all unnecessary conversation on BlackBerry messenger, YM, GT, MSN, and others,
4. Remove (delete) all misscalls.
open "messages", click the menu (BlackBerry logo), click the folder view, click the missed calls, click menu, click delete prior,
5. Remove (delete) browser cache.
Here's how: open the browser, click the menu (BlackBerry logo), click options, click cache operations, click the clear history,
6. Remove (delete) cache on the application of FB.
FB open, click the menu (BlackBerry logo), click options, click clear cache,
7. Remove (delete) event log.
The trick Press ALT + L, G, L, G
Press the BlackBerry key (logo key on your BlackBerry) select 'Clear Log'
Two systems will remain as shown above on the Event Log and can not be deleted, but we can hide
how to hide :
Press the BlackBerry button again select 'Options'.
Make sure the 'Min Log Level' tersetting 'warning', Press the BlackBerry button again and select 'Hide all Types', then press the 'back / escape' and 'save'.
8. Clean the temporary memory.
open "options", click on security options, click on memory cleaning, click the menu (BlackBerry logo), click clean now, click save,
9. Soft Reset.
press alt - shift (aA) the right - del at the same time, hold about 3 seconds (until the screen off).
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