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Optimize RAM on Android

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For all who have the ram on the device's minimal, certainly confused and overwhelmed when opening applications will make the most of your device is slow and even error. Quiet! has a solution, the way he is
by entering the scrip opitimizer ram into your android. By entering this scrip, your application will be managed in the use of ram, so you will not be wasteful android longer in use ram even if you forget to close dozens of applications, the error does not guarantee your android. The trick is the danger of materials prepared in advance:
Make sure you already Diroot Android, is aimed at the root so that you can enter your script into an android, way is to move the root file and download it to your memory card (not the folder) then restart your phone, then go into recovery mode (mode rescue), by pressing the Home button + Power button together now. after that search for the name of the file that you downloaded earlier updatetan on the memory card, for example file name is the root gb then click the file (attention in recovery mode you can not use the touch screen, use the volume to rise up, to step down use the volume down. and ok to use the home button) If you have select ok and restart your Android.

Make sure you Have a Root exploler this application to facilitate you to insert this script, if you do not have root exploler applications, can be at Download in the Market
and most importantly, Ram Script Optimizer can Download Here
Here is how:
Extract Optimizernya notified in advance Ram Script, extract can be done using applications Root exploler
Script Extract process Ram Optimizer.

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