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Tips to check Blackberry original and not original

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Ways to Distinguish the Genuine and Imitation Blackberry, Blackberry is the most popular family of smartphones that much-loved person. No wonder the marketing Blackberry is always in demand, let alone a variety of exciting features offered in this one like a cell phone internet access to social networks like Facebook.

Of these benefits, no wonder that all the "prospective buyers" want a Blackberry phone is the original product that was released by Research In Motion (RIM). However, the Blackberry is also not free from the possibility of pirated or fake products. Here are some surefire ways to distinguish the original output RIM Blackberry or Blackberry imitation:

1. Make sure the patch IMEI and PIN code
IMEI and PIN on a BlackBerry typically found in filmware handled, boxes, and labels that are stuck in the battery compartment. See which way to display the homescreen click Options and select the status, press the Shift + ALT + H simultaneously. Blackberry IMEI and PIN number of the original will be as stated on the sticker outside.

2. The data refer to Internal
Lifetime on the options and check the status, type BUYR. Lifetime data will display the number Zero if the Blackberry is still new. But if the show Exceeding 120K and Voice Usage Exeeding 60 Minutes, it means the Blackberry has been used before.

3. Note Logo and Cartons
Usually there is a handheld identity stickers and cardboard for a patent on the original Blackberry. There is also a mobile operator logo from various countries. Although there are other state logo, but Blackberry still be used if the connection alias unlock unlocked. Also keep in mind, the logo found on the LCD screen should also be the same as the logo on the body.

Thus some surefire ways to distinguish the original Blackberry or imitation. By doing some simple ways before, then you will get a Blackberry product quality to your liking.
I hope these tips helpful

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