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Tips: Caring Ways Mobile Touchscreen

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Here are some How To Take Care Mobile Touchscreen
Touch screen mobile phone is basically a sophisticated touchscreen mobile phone and therefore should require extra care, here I'll give you some tips on Caring for the Mobile Touchscreen I got them from sources that can be believed.

Touchscreen mobile phone is now no stranger to the world of electronics has even flourished among the community. And not just on the phone alone, now there are various kinds of electronic devices that use touch screens, such as tablets. Obstacles in the use of touchscreen mobile phones is on the screen, because the mobile phone screen is a touch screen or using the LCD touchscreen. So if we make a mistake in using the LCD is an LCD that will result in faster error. Therefore we must know how to care for the LCD to remain durable and secure.

Here below is how to care for the touch screen or touchscreen mobile phone:
  1.  Use a screen protector or a scratch-resistant plastic on the phone screen.
  2. avoid mobile phone from objects that contain a magnetic field such as radio, television, and other objects that contain magnets.
  3. Keep the LCD screen is not in a dirty, dirty, and if the screen is clean with use a tissue or a soft cloth.
  4. Use index finger to use the screen, do not use nails to wipe the screen when you're using because it will lead to scratched screens.
  5. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight, because it will damage the quality of the LCD.
  6. Do not be too much pressure on the screen, just tap the screen naturally.
  7. Avoid places such as narrow and pressed jeans pocket, because it will quickly damage the LCD screen if it is too often the pressure.
Take care of your mobile phones, The thing to remember, whatever expensive price of your Hp is dependent on our efforts in maintaining it.


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