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DocScanner for Symbian Mobiles

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DocScanner for Symbian Mobiles

DocScanner is a perfect business application to have on your Symbian mobiles. DocScanner is a complete scanning solution on yourmobile. With DocScanner you can scan your documents in just four simple steps.

-Launch the DocScanner application, choose Options and take a new picture with camera or open an existing picture.
-Check edges. Detected corners may be moved by choosing the option "Move" from the Menu or by presing the buttons 1, 3, 7 or 9, which chooses the left or right, upper or lower corner to be moved. The corners may be moved with the Navi™ scroll key. Choose Menu>Next, when you're ready.

-The picture may be rotated if necessary: Menu>Rotate clockwise or counterclockwise.
-Save or send a copy of the document

Tags : Nokia 5800, Nokia5230, Nokia5530, N97, X6, N97 Mini, , Samsung i8910 Omnia HD, Sony Ericsson Satio and Vivaz, symbian^3 ,etc.

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