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Flashing "GALAXY W" through Odin Multi Downloader (Ancora)

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Flashing GALAXY W itself via Odin Multi Downloader (Ancora) :
1. Make sure your computer has installed the USB Driver samsung
2. Turn off the HP then go into download mode (press the middle button + + volumedown power, when the flame and writing Outgoing samsung, but still off the power button a second pressing other keys, when there is an option on the screen, press the VolumeUp.
3. Open the file Odin Multi v4.43, and then select the file ancora OPS OPS is located in the ROM folder in the extract. and select the package file is also one of the ROM file extracted earlier. One tick mark Only Package, Auto Reboot, Protect OPS (adjust the picture)

4. Connect the phone to the computer (wait until there is a yellow-colored paper such as COM # in the picture above), Start Processnya and wait until the end. Flashing takes 5-15 minutes depending on your computer.

5. When the paone restarts, the phone will go into recovery mode and install the update and then restart again.

6. First boot up time range of 3-5 minutes.
7. Voila, unplug the USB cable from the phone when it entered into the homescreen.

How To Go to Recovery Menu:
A. turn off hp
2. push the Volume Up button, Center button and Power button simultaneously, hold for life, after leaving the word "Samsung" off the power button, then release the Volume Up button and also the middle button
3. after drawing out the arrow logo droid box, push the Menu button once (the left)

Example Image Recovery
Example Image Recovery

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