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Indonesian language to Blackberry

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How To Install or add Indonesian to eg Blackberry Blackberry Storm 9530, Blackberry 9800 Torch, Blackberry Bold or Blackberry 9900 Torch 9860 is the following simple steps.

First, Download BlackBerry Device Software or the latest OS Multi Language (Indonesian already in it) in accordance with the type you have on your Blackberry Website Official Blackberry. Install the OS is on the next computer.

Once the new OS is installed, then run the Blackberry Desktop Manager version 6 and do not forget to connect the Blackberry to a laptop using a data cable, and do your Blackberry OS Update process. This update process takes about 1 hour more.

Once the OS update process is complete, check whether the Indonesian already installed on your Blackberry or not. If it is not yet available in the Indonesian language choice, do not worry. The next step is to reconnect the Blackberry Laptop, and rerun the Blackberry Desktop Manager.

Click the Application menu on the Blackberry Desktop Manager, to enter into a tersintall Application List and List of Applications on the Blackberry that is ready to install the Blackberry Storm or Blackberry Torch you. Next is a look and give the checklist on the Indonesian from the existing list, then press Apply, and the installation process to Blackberry Indonesian Indonesia was in the beginning, wait until the process is complete, and do not unplug the Blackberry as an ongoing process, as it will result in error Blackberry.

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