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Galaxy Mini GT-S5570 Custom ROM Emanon v4

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Android Interface Cuztom Emanon ROM GT-S5570 Galaxy Mini in a smooth V4 is not so much different from the previous rom v3 emanon., Stable and quite frugal battery plus include 806mhz kernel as well.
For those of you who want to use or install a custom rom V4 Emanon this on your Android mobile phone., Please follow the following tips and tutorials:

How to install Custom ROM Emanon V4:
1. Make sure you have or mobile phone running android gingerbread 2.3.4
2. Move the downloaded file had to SDcard. (do not put in a folder)

3. Mobile is at the root (Rooting Android for Samsung Galaxy Mini GT-S5570)

4. Should've installed clockworkmod recovery.
5. Turn off the cell phone, and change into recovery mode (press the center button + power).

6. After getting into recovery mode with the volume buttons, select wipe data and cache.
7. Then choose "install zip from sdcard 'using the center button for OK.
8. Then select 'Choose Zip From Sdcard' using the center button for OK.
9. Select the file you have downloaded earlier '' using the center button for OK.

10. And install the file, then return to the home screen (initial appearance CWM) and 'Reboot System Now'.

if there is a problem please wipe the data n chance again. continue to reinstall how.

Download Emanon V4 below :

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