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EVA - Virtual Assistant v2.07 Android Apk

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Virtual Assistant v2.07
EVA - Virtual Assistant v2.07 Android Apk

Requirements: Android 2.2 and up
Overview: EVA is the best Voice Assistant for Android.

EVA is the best Voice Assistant for Android.

EVA is the most full featured virtual assistant for Android.


Who should use EVA? If you are looking for an application that provides hands-free operation of your phone to open apps, read and reply to text messages and email, schedule calendar events and many more functions that you can perform using just your voice then EVA is right for you. If you are just looking for an electronic friend to chat with then please go with one of the Siri clones. On the other hand if you want a real virtual assistant that has useful functions that will make your life easier then please give EVA a try.

EVA has all the functions you'd expect your assistant to perform plus some that you probably never new were possible. Here is a list of some of the functions that you wont find in most of the competition:

★ Reading and replying to incoming text and email including Microsoft Exchange
★ Integration with Evernote
★ Home Automation with INSTEON. Turn on the lights and appliances, open the garage door and a whole lot more, all with voice commands or scheduled or based on your location.
★ Location based reminders. Remind you to do something based on your location.
★ Location based actions. Perform any function that EVA can do based on your current location. Have EVA automatically text your wife when you leave the office.
★ Time based actions. Perform any function that EVA can do on a set day and time
★ In car mode including wake up phrase
★ Custom voice shortcuts to your phone applications. Give your apps any name you want and open them using that name.
★ Voice bookmarks to your favorite web sites. Give your bookmarks any name you want and open them using that name.
★ Activate just by shaking your phone
★ Works with all Bluetooth Headsets

For the full online manual please go to:

If you have tried Vlingo, Speaktoit, Jeannie and Iris and you want something that does most everything they can do plus a lot more then give EVA a try.

If you prefer a male assistant please choose EVAN instead.

If you don't already have a third party text to speech voice that replaces the default Pico voice on your phone I recommend SVOX Classic. Their voices will work with any text to speech app on your device. Download the Free SVOX Classic to demo the voices.

EVA is English only. Please don't me 1 star ratings for not having your language. I am one person working on this. Other languages are not possible at this time!

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ada 3 comments ke “EVA - Virtual Assistant v2.07 Android Apk”
Gexton said...
pada hari 

EVA is the best Voice Assistant for Android.
Virtual assistant Alberta
Virtual Business Solution Canada

Unknown said...
pada hari 

Virtual Assistant CanadaVirtual Assistants, also known as VAs, have been around for more than ten years and in this day and age, utilize the technology era.
Canadian Virtual Assistant
Virtual Assistant Canada
Social Media Marketing Canada

Unknown said...
pada hari 

That's great advancement in Virtual Assistant Services. Wonderful.Nice App.Virtual Assistant Services

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