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Auto SMS v3.0.5 Apk

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Auto SMS v3.0.5 Apk
Auto SMS v3.0.5 Apk

Requirements: Android 2.1 and up
Overview: SMS Auto responder / SMS scheduler / SMS Reader / SMS Forwarder / Instant SMS

Auto SMS
SMS Auto responder / SMS scheduler / SMS Reader / SMS Forwarder / Instant SMS
This app responds to incoming SMS and missed call automatically and is able to set a schedule to send SMS in future time. And it also can read out SMS in some supported languages.SMS forwarding and many more features are also available.

This No Ads version is basically same as the free version and additionally comes with following complimentary features.
1. No Ads.
2. Smaller app size.
3. Backup & restore data feature.
4. Caller ID announcement.
5. Location info in autoresponse.
6. Match Keyword for SMS autoresponse.
7. And more features coming soon.

● Automatically reply with preset SMS message for receiving SMS and missed calls when you are unable to answer (eg. Driving, In meeting, sleeping, busy , etc…).
● (✔REPLY MESSAGE) Customizable auto-response SMS message for missed calls and SMS.
● (✔WIDGET) One touch Auto-response ON/OFF widget.
● (✔PROFILE) Able to setup multiple profiles for auto response.
● (✔AUTO ON/OFF) Able to set Auto-response Turn-ON duration, no worry even if forget to turn off.
● (✔SILENT MODE) Able to set Ringer Mode to silent mode during turn on and restore automatically after turn off.
● (✔BATTERY EFFICIENT) Auto SMS will not drain battery during “OFF” or “not in Schedule Time”, which helps maintain your battery efficiency.
● You can set a schedule to send SMS in future for special occasion or wishes to your love one.
● This feature may be useful when you are unable to look up the screen and read SMS, for example driving. SMS Reader can read out the message for you in this situation. you may need to install Text-to-speech engine to works it properly and the supported language is depend on the Text-to-speech engine.
● This feature may be useful if you have to send same message to a same person frequently.
● You can forward receiving SMS to specified numbers automatically. This feature can be used for business such as sharing infomations(SMS) with team members,etc.

Other Features:
1) If same contact SMS/calls in again within 2-3 mins, only one Auto-response message is sent.
2) Option to prompt you to select Reply message from recently used message.
3) Able to set different message for SMS and incoming missed call.
4) Able to set “Reply Once” option for each scheduled session.

What's in this version:
Version 3.0.5
1. Improve UI.
2. Added [Hangup Call] setting in Autoreply.
3. Added [Exclude List] for [Silent Mode] setting in Autoreply.
4. Bugs fixed.

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