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Defense Command v1.0.1 Apk

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Defense Command v1.0.1
Defense Command v1.0.1 Apk

Requirements: 2.0 +
Overview: The best Real-Time Strategy game for Android!

The Planet has been INVADED! The World’s Military enslaved by an Alien Mind Control Device! Only ONE Battle Squad remains:

Shielded in their underground bunkers, our heroes emerge into a Fight for Survival. The Invaders must be stopped at all costs!

Command armies of
- Tanks
- Infantry
- Helicopters
- Trikes
- Deploy Turrets
- Explosive Barrels
- Landmines
- And many more to defeat the enemy!

Using the unique strengths of each unit, combine battlefield tactics and decisive action to outsmart and conquer the invaders!

Lightweight fast units for carrying out lightning raids, slow powerful siege tanks for bombarding enemy positions, battle tanks and infantry squads for intense warfare: choose the right units for the job and command them in battle.

There’s a huge variety of missions in the first Defense Command mission pack and with many more mission packs in development, the replay value of this game is going to be massive!

Each mission is designed to bring you the best gameplay experience from playing Defense Command and will challenge you to combine strategy and action in different ways.

Play a fast 2 minute mission or take on the entire might of the enemy onslaught and take back the Planet!

Play for free!
Download Defense Command now and if you like what you see, our constantly evolving series of mission packs will keep you hooked. Mission pack 1 “Battlefield Troopers” is available at the Google Store!

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Halo Sobat, Nama Saya Icut Maniezz, Memulai Dunia Blogging Sejak Jan 2012, Meskipun Masih Baru terjun di Dunia Blogging, Saya tidak patah semangat Untuk menjadi Yang terbaik dari yang Terbaik, karena saya yakin, Tidak ada hal yang tidak Mungkin.Buat saya Blogging Is My Life.Senang rasanya jika sobat sudah Berkunjung di blog ini.
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