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Solutions 'SOS signals' in BlackBerry

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For users of the service BlackBery certainly familiar with the signal indicator marked on the right side of the screen. On the right side of the screen, there are icons in addition to the signal strength bars, there are also indicators of the type of network, the GPRS / EDGE or 3G. But next time, can change the network indicator, that had a uppercase (capital) letters so small, like a gprs / edge and 3g. In fact, not uncommon in certain places the indicator turned to SOS.

The indicator in the form of a capital letter signifies BB service ready for use according to the package selected. Instead lowercase indicator shows BB service can not be used, but you can still perform the function of telephone and SMS. As with the SOS, this is an indicator of the most annoying, when SOS appears, you can not use any service provider associated with the connection.

SOS signal is not always appear on the site at the edge of the city or the countryside. In fact in the city could also arise due to SOS 2G/3G operator coverage uneven. When SOS appears no need to panic, can cope with doing a soft reset or restart your BB. If you do not work either do diagnostics test with the host routing table. Here are the steps.

1. Go to menu Options> Advanced Options.

2. Select the host routing table.

3. Choose an identity ID thick line, and then press the menu (BB button), then select the 'register now'. Method 1, 2, and 3 are used to 'PING server BB' after registration services. 

4. Go to menu Options> Mobile network.

5. Press the BB button and select diagnostics tests.

6. Press the run until the maintenance is complete, method 4, 5 and 6 are used to 'refresh' your BB connection is slow.   

I hope the above tips useful. Thanks. 

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