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Devil Ninja2 (Mission) Ads-Free v1.0.2 Apk

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Devil Ninja2

Devil Ninja2(Mission) Ads-Free v1.0.2 Apk

Requirements: Android 2.0 and up
Overview: DroidStudio is happy to announce that Missioin version of Devil Ninja is now available for Android!

The power of dart which was blocked for thousands of years will be unblocked by the devil's king of werewolf , The whole world will be destroyed!!! Ninja 'Along' must kill the devil's king to stop this holocaust.

★ What's new in this Mission version:
- 8 Mission to fight
- 4 game scenes
- New powerful Boss
- Advanced / classic gameplay choose
- Unlock weapons
- Enable HighSpeed mode!

★ Tips.
- Try to jump over the cliff.
- Double jump to jump higher.
- Long press fire button to charge energe.
- Kill enemies and collect energy balls to POWER UP!
- Reward more energy balls with a nice combo kill.
- Unlock level to get more weapon!

.::Artikel Terkait Yang Lainnya,Semoga Membantu::.

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Halo Sobat, Nama Saya Icut Maniezz, Memulai Dunia Blogging Sejak Jan 2012, Meskipun Masih Baru terjun di Dunia Blogging, Saya tidak patah semangat Untuk menjadi Yang terbaik dari yang Terbaik, karena saya yakin, Tidak ada hal yang tidak Mungkin.Buat saya Blogging Is My Life.Senang rasanya jika sobat sudah Berkunjung di blog ini.
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