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optimize your Samsung Galaxy S (I9000) using SGS Touchscreen Booster APP

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Mobile touch screens have existed since the days of the Apple Newton and the Palm Pilot, although
their usability has had mixed reviews. Recently this technology has enjoyed a popular resurgence, with
devices like the Nintendo DS and the Apple iPhone using touch screens in innovative ways.

Modern mobiles are all about finger input — a design principle that assumes users will be using their
fingers rather than a specialized stylus to touch the screen. Finger-based touch makes interaction less precise and is often based more on movement than simple contact.

Android’s native applications make extensive use of fi nger-based touch-screen interfaces,
including the use of dragging motions to scroll lists or perform actions.

SGS Touchscreen Booster will help you to optimize your SGS (I9000) touch screen. SGS Touchscreen Booster will help you to optimize your Samsung Galaxy S (I9000) touch screen.

Changes are not persistent yet (see wish list bellow).
Due a software limitation, the settings are set to defaults after some time. Use the service option to keep settings up to date.

Use SGS Touchscreen Booster APP


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