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blackberry secret code complete

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Features and applications that make full Blackberry smartphone is increasingly favored by the audience sophisticated phones.
For those of you who already use BlackBerry as a multimedia communications device and you, not hurt you to try using the command codes that you can use to check a wide range of features available in this smartphone.Here's a secret command codes that can be used :
• ALT + = NMLL know the capacity of the signal bar

• ALT + V A L D = verification Address Book

• ALT + R B L D = remodel Address Book

• ALT + RBV = see source code in a Webpage 

• ALT + left Shift + press H = know technical info is in Blackberry 
• * # 0 6 # = know the IMEI for Blackberry 
• ALT + Right Shift + Delete = know the simulation capacity of the battery is full 
• ALT + log LGLG = know that has been done in Blackberry 
• ALT + NUM / Aa / Cap + H = aware information access PIN - IMEI - Vendor ID - Free Memory - Version OS 
• MEPD on Sim Card = check the status of Blackberry locked or unlocked 
• ALT + Cap / Aa = Right + DEL to restart the Blackberry is being hangs

ALT-SMON WLAN wizard screen Enable simulated Wizard mode
ALT-SMOF WLAN wizard screen Disable simulated Wizard mode
ALT + NMLL On the Home screen Switches the signal strength from bars to a numeric value.
ALT + LGLG On the Home screen Displays the Java ™ event log.
ALT + VIEW In an open message, or in an open-personal information management (PIM) itemsFor messages, displays the refid and folderid for that particular message.For PIM items, displays only the refid.
ALT + CNFG On the Enterprise Activation screen Displays the advanced Enterprise Activation options.
ALT + CAP + H On the Home screen Displays the Help Me screen.
MEPD On the SIM Card SIM Screen displays all information

Enterprise Activation (Options-> Advanced)

 ALT + CNFG - Settings for Enterprise Activation
Address Book

 ALT + VALD - Validate the data structure and look for inconsistencies

ALT + RBLD - Force a data structure rebuild
from the Options menu, type the following (No ALT + required)RSET - Will prompt to erase & reload for a reload of the Address book from the BES(Nb this will wipe all entries, but you can goto SIM Phone Book & copy entries back afterwards)


 ALT + RBVS - View web page source code

 Open up a Calendar itemALT + VIEW Inside any Calendar item Show extra info for a Calendar event(Including message ID - handy for BES log troubleshooting)
from the Options menu, type the following (No ALT + required)

 SYNC - Enable Calendar slow sync 
RSET - Will prompt for a reload of the calendar from the BES 
RCFG - Request BES configuration 
SCFG - Send device configuration 
DCFG - Get CICAL configuration 
SUPD - Enable detailed Cal. report for backup 
SUPS - Disable detailed Cal. report for backup 
SUPN - Disable Cal. database report 
LUID - Enable view by UID 
SRSL - Show Reminder status log

 ALT + VIEW - For messages, displays the refid and folderid for that particular message. For PIM items, displays only the refid.
Search Application

 ALT + ADVM Search Application Enabled Advanced Global Search
Home Screen

 ALT (left) + Shift (right) + Del - Restart the Blackberry (only for full-keyboard Blackberries) 
ALT + JKVV - Display cause of PDP reject 
ALT + CAP + H - Displays the Help Me screen 
ALT + EACE - Displays the Help Me screen 
ALT + ESCR - Displays the Help Me screen 
ALT + NMLL - Switches the signal strength from bars to a numeric value. 
LGLG + ALT - Displays the Java ™ event log.
WLAN (WLAN wizard screen)

 ALT-SMON WLAN - Enable simulated Wizard mode 
ALT-SMOF WLAN - Disable simulated Wizard mode
Theme (from theme menu)

  ALT-THMN - Change to no theme (B & W) 
ALT-THMD - Change to default theme
Date / Time (Date / Time menu - No ALT + required)

 LOLO - Date / Time Show Network time values

SIM Card (Options-> Advanced-> SIM card - No ALT + required)

 MEPD - Display MEP information 
MEP1 - Disable SIM personalization 
MEP2 - Disable Network personalization 
MEP3 - Disable Network subset personalization 
MEP4 - Disable Service provider personalization 
MEP5 - Disable Corporate personalization

Key shortcuts:
A or C = phonebook
S = search
F = phone profiles
W or B = browser
H = help
K = locks the keys
L = calendar
V = messages
M = messages folder
R = alarm
T = tasks
U = calculator
I = applications
O = options
P = phone
T – Top of page (in browser)
B – Bottom of page (in browser)
Space – Page down (in browser)
D – Memo pad
U – Switch between hide/unhide in title bar (in browser)

I hope the above post can be useful...Thankyou

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