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Android battery saving tips

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Tips to save battery on the position of active mobile network:

- Make sure google synchronousnya dead (update / syncronnya every month, not bad if you lost contact or to a memory card format, contact can be taken directly from google, so bad need to be updated every month and do not be constantly active)
- Reduce or eliminate weather (weather) on the front page. (Reduced battery power)
- Adjust Brightness moderation.
- Do not use push mail.
- Make sure have the application Task Killer, by using the "Advanced

- GPS, Bluetooth, Wifi if you have not worn off just passable.
- Turn off the sound and the touch screen function getarnya.Task Mannager "could automatically turns of unused programs, so no need susah2 klik2" force close "
- Find a battery-saving applications such as Android Assistant.

Android Assistant can to ngeboost memory or nearly the same as Task Killer, There is a function of "Low Battery", There is a similar system cache cleaner clean, There SDnya App 2, would pindah2 Phone apps to SD Card or otherwise live a click, etc..
May be useful ..

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